Cougar Tracks
Information and Insights from Midwestern Christian Academy
Saturday, January 4, 2025
As You Consider Re-Enrollment, MCA Has Considered It's Commitment to Ministry
Saturday, December 28, 2024
MCA is Entering Its 69th Year of Service
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Praying for the Peace and Comfort of Abundant Life Christian School
Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and shield. Our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. Psalm 33:20-22, NRSV
We are praying for comfort and peace today, for the students, families and school community of Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. It's the peace and comfort of the Lord upon which we rely when unexplainable tragedy invades our lives. And while those who are in position to do so are seeking answers and trying to figure things out, peace and comfort will be ministers to the souls of those who are hurting and grieving right now.
As school shootings have become epidemic in our culture, Christian schools cannot think that we are immune to such occurrences. We have been fortunate in that we haven't seen very many, but one of the reasons for this is that we represent only 3% of the total enrollment of the school aged population in the United States. And I also believe that what we offer to our students in the way of discipleship and spiritual ministry is one way that helps resolve many of the emotional and social problems experienced by students which can be triggers for such behavior.
In fact, what we know and have learned from each of these tragedies, which now occur by the hundreds in schools across the country, is that they are mostly internal in nature. That is, they are committed by a student in the school where they occur, not because there's been some kind of a security breach, but because circumstances enabled the elements of a shooting, which includes an emotionally disturbed or abused student or former student, and a lethal weapon, usually a gun, to come together inside the school.
We take preventative action, in the form of safety drills and precautions, locked doors, camera surveillance, a heightened police presence. But the real weapon against the emotional disturbances that cause 95% of school shootings is spiritual transformation. If this does nothing else, it reminds us of the critical importance of the ministry that takes place inside a Christian school. The world in which we live is fallen, the record of the fall is in Genesis 3. Our best weapon against the evil that distorts minds and hearts is the word, and the exposure to it every day that helps students discern when they are sensing conviction of sin. There is a path to redemption, and there are some people who have a very difficult time following it. We're here every day to help our students do just that.
This was something intended to disrupt the ministry of a Christian school, even to the point of robbing students, parents and staff of their security and replacing it with fear. Christian schools not only provide an education for students, but they also provide discipleship, and they help lead students to the Lord, encourage them, strengthen them and help them realize and fulfill their calling in the will of God. So there is an enemy prowling around, who's interest is to disrupt and destroy. So pray that this school, as well as ours, will be strengthened, and will unite around their faith in Christ, as a result of this incident.
And pray for the families of both the shooter and the victims.
Friday, September 6, 2024
Why We Ask Our Parents to Pay a "Fund-Raising Fee"
Friday, August 30, 2024
Pre-Kindergarten Offers Students Their First "School" Experience
Early childhood education in the United States is the result of an increased number of households of younger families with children in which both parents work. It is something that has evolved, from providing basic day care and play time for children into some experimentation with the addition of basic learning objectives and instruction in social skills that students would normally learn at home. The research that was done showed that children as young as three can benefit from an early learning experience.
There have been some early education programs around for quite a while. Head Start, which is primarily for children from lower income families, has been operating for over 60 years. And while many public school systems have only recently added pre-school programs for four year olds, child development centers, early ed programs and "junior kindergarten" or pre-kindergarten programs operated by private, religious-based schools have a long history.
MCA Operates a Pre-Kindergarten Program for Three and Four Year Olds
Pre-Kindergarten, which was once known as "junior kindergarten," is what we offer in early childhood education at MCA. We are not a child development center, by definition. Our program operates under full recognition of the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) as an academic extension of our school program. Our curriculum incorporates basic learning objectives, primarily related to language development and early reading skills through some phonics objectives. Students also learn to write letters and numbers, identify colors, count, and in the four year old class, do some basic reading.
The structure of the class provides some practice in learning readiness. Students get used to being around other students their age, they learn some basic socialization skills, they get used to being away from their parents for a few hours a day which helps prepare them for their school experience and they learn some social skills.
The Pre-Kindergarten students also participate in the same "out classes" as the older students, including Physical Education, vocal music and art.
There is research which indicates that being involved in pre-kindergarten education gives students an academic advantage all the way through their educational experience. Early development of language arts skills leads students to a clearer understanding in all subject areas by improving their vocabulary, reading comprehension and communication skills well above the expected grade level performance. At MCA, over 80% of our Pre-Kindergarten students are proficient at the Kindergarten level in reading and language arts skills before they enter Kindergarten. That advantage goes with them all through school.
You Have Chosen a Quality Program For Your Child
MCA offers a high quality early learning program in pre-kindergarten 3 and 4. And while our program is an academic boost, our primary goal is to provide a Christian atmosphere for students and families, where children are cared for and loved during the day. Our staff is quite experienced, one of our teachers is now a grandmother, who has more than 20 years of experience in Pre-K instruction, and the other three are long-term parents of students here at MCA, so they are dedicated to helping provide the same kind of caring, safe, nurturing environment they have received for their own children.
Our school operates on a philosophy of education that begins with the acknowledgement that the greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind," and the second is like the first, to "Love you neighbor as you love yourself." We desire for all of our students to see the love of God in their teachers. We have succeeded if we accomplish that goal.
Our academic standards are high. We have a low student to teacher ratio, with a qualified instructor and a teacher's aide in each classroom, limited to an enrollment of 15 students. We use Abeka curriculum, which is one of the top providers of pre-kindergarten curriculum materials and which has a language arts program that is aligned with objectives from Pre-K4 through 12th grade. We see a high level of success among our students in English/Language Arts using Abeka materials.
MCA is an Illinois-Recognized private school meeting ISBE standards, and operates our Pre-K as an academic extension of Kindergarten for ages 3 and 4 as a religious-based school program. As such, our staff is fully qualified under those standards. We do not offer specialized programs or instruction in social skills such as might be found in a school labelled as a child development center.
MCA is also fully accredited by the Commission of the Association of Christian Schools International, which is nationally recognized, and which offers dual accreditation through NCASC, MSACS and SACS-CASI, and Cognia.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Midwestern Christian Academy Begins it's 68th Year of Service on August 26
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Scripture Theme for the 2024-5 School Year: Matthew 22:36-40
"Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?"
He said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22:36-40.
When I first went to seminary, I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when it came to the course content and the requirements for a Master's degree in Christian education. The course requirements included a hefty dose of theology courses, including a six-hour, full year course called Systematic Theology, a full year, eight hour course surveying the scope of the entire Bible, Old and New Testaments, a course on the Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ, and eight different electives covering individual books of the Bible.
That sounded like an awful lot of heavy reading and serious study. But it turned out to be the single best period of discipleship in the word of God in my entire life, prior to, and since that time.
There were many of those "Ah Ha!" moments as things I'd heard taught in Sunday School and preached in church suddenly connected with something that explained them in detail, and opened my eyes to a clearer understanding of something about which I either didn't understand at all, or had questions that needed answers. It became clear why one of the courses was called, "systematic," because the scriptures which God inspired 40 different authors to write lays out, in careful detail, the movement of God through a period of history during which he revealed to his human creation his perfect means for redemption from sin and restoration to the relationship for which he created humans in his own image in the first place.
One of the keys to understanding the whole of scripture is understanding that because Jesus was God in the flesh, and, as Paul tells us in Colossians, "For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him," the words of Jesus are the primary key to understanding and interpreting all of the rest of the Bible.
"Jesus is the criterion by which all scripture must be interpreted," I can remember several of my professors emphasizing. So that sets us up to understand the meaning of these words from Jesus, recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, and what they reveal to us that we can learn through the school year as a theme.
1. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
Jesus says this is the greatest commandment, one of two on which he says "hang all of the law and the prophets." What is meant by that, is that this is a life priority. It is essential for us to be faithful believers and followers of Jesus, who has removed our sin and provided us with forgiveness, to make the adoration of the God who created us a priority in all of our life. And if we have this priority straight, it means that we are committed to living in a way that worships God by giving him glory through the life we live. If this commandment is followed, everything else follows. And without getting this straight, it is not possible to be obedient to any of the others.
2. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Translating the phrase "is like it" from the original Greek text gives some insight into what Jesus meant. He is equating the two commandments, not elevating one above the other. It is not possible to love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and not love another human being who is also created in his image. The term "neighbor" has a fairly specific meaning, according to the way Jesus used it, and defined it. It is not just having affection or appreciation for humanity as a whole, though that is part of what he intended. It is also not just those who live in our immediate proximity. It is all other human beings with whom we share community, those whose lives we interact with and touch, and who touch and interact with us at all times across the scope of our lives.
A church is a "community" full of people who are, by definition, our neighbor. So is our school, including the parents, students and school staff who work there. For some of our students, it may be the other participants in the summer program in which they are engaged. It is all of one's family members, and it also includes those who fit the smaller definition of "neighbor" by living in close proximity.
The term "love your neighbor" is equal to "love the Lord your God," because these two concepts are linked by Jesus. If one does not love his neighbor, then he cannot love God. Likewise, if one does not love God, he cannot love his neighbor.
Our school is also a community, one in which students spend more time than anywhere else except at home. So everyone in it, by definition, is the neighbor of everyone else. There are some neighbors with whom each student spends more time, namely their own classmates and teacher. But the commandment applies to all, though it becomes more difficult to be obedient among those who wind up getting to know us best.
The Essence of God's Nature is Found in His Creation
God created the world and everything in it. But out of all that God created, it was humanity alone that he created "in his image." Since God is infinite, and does not have a physical body, what is meant by being created in his image has to do with who we are. Jesus tells us this in the first part of this verse, when he says that we must love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Heart represents the physical body, sustained and nourished by the blood that the heart pumps through the arteries, veins and capillaries. The soul is the essence of our being, our identity, that part of us which makes us human, has emotions and feelings, and senses the presence of God's indwelling spirit. The mind represents our intellect, what we are able to know as we have this gift of being created in God's image, so that our body, soul and spirit are one being with the intellect to understand and the free will to make decisions regarding our own life.
Every human being has the image of God in them. And that is exactly why Jesus made these two commandments equal. It is not always easy to see God's image in others, but there are times when it is not easy for others to see it in ourselves. But yet, that's our responsibility and purpose as a human being, created by God in his image, to reflect the nature and character of God. And we do that when we demonstrate love to our neighbor.
It does not take much in the way of observation to see human beings, all around us, who do not love their neighbor as themselves. But, in the community of a Christian school, shouldn't it make some kind of difference? Our school is a place where we can teach this biblical principle and then be able to observe the difference it makes to each of our students, compared to being in a community where loving their neighbor is not a priority for anyone else.
As You Consider Re-Enrollment, MCA Has Considered It's Commitment to Ministry
Midwestern Christian Academy has been blessed over the past few years. God has been faithful to this ministry, which has been serving famil...
In Christian school education in the United States, schools that have been operating for 68 years are not all that common. In 1956, when MC...
Early childhood education in the United States is the result of an increased number of households of younger families with children in which...
One of the scholarship opportunities we have at MCA that is open to all parents, and can be used multiple times, is the one we give for fami...